Sunday, December 29, 2019

Visa H-2B para trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos

Con una visa H-2B se puede trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos en una gran variedad de empleos, quedando excluido el sector agrà ­cola. Pero para que las embajadas y consulados emitan los visados es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos que regulan quià ©n puede obtenerlos y en quà © condiciones. El principal es que el proceso lo inicia la empresa estadounidense que patrocina la visa. Es decir, no se puede ir al consulado sin tener antes la empresa que comenzà ³ los trà ¡mites y ya obtuvo aprobacià ³n de papeleo dentro de los Estados Unidos. En este artà ­culo se explican los puntos fundamentales, como quà © tipo de trabajos se pueden realizar, de quà © paà ­ses hay que ser ciudadano para poder beneficiarse de este tipo de visas, quià ©n debe solicitarla, quià ©n puede acompaà ±ar al beneficiario, etc. Ciudadanos de quà © paà ­ses pueden solicitar una visa H-2B El Federal Register publica cada aà ±o el listado de paà ­ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden beneficiarse de este visado,  varios son de Latinoamà ©rica. Espaà ±a tambià ©n està ¡ incluida.   Si no se tiene pasaporte de uno de esos paà ­ses, no se puede tener este tipo de visa. Para estas personas podrà ­a ser de interà ©s informarse sobre la visa C1/D para trabajar en cruceros. Existen agencias con buena reputacià ³n encargadas de seleccionar trabajadores en distintas capacidades para cruceros. Quà © tipo de trabajadores se contratan con la visa H-2B Todo tipo de trabajo no agrà ­cola que tenga un carà ¡cter de temporada, o corresponda a un pico de trabajo o sea intermitente por su propia naturaleza u ocurra una sola vez. Como ejemplos: En hoteles en zonas de veranoEn tiendasEn restaurantes cmo meseros o cocinerosConstruccià ³nEn cocinasEn parques temà ¡ticosFeriasEn jardinerà ­a (landscape)En estaciones de ski, desde trabajar en recepcià ³n de hotel a limpieza pasando por mantenimiento o monitor de ski, etcEn procesamiento de pescados, siendo por ejemplo muy comà ºn trabajar en factorà ­as de ese tipo en Alaska Là ­mite en el nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se pueden aprobar cada aà ±o Hay un là ­mite al nà ºmero de visas H-2B que se conceden anualmente. Cada aà ±o fiscal, el Congreso de Estados Unidos establece un nà ºmero mà ¡ximo de visas de esta categorà ­a que se pueden conceder. Actualmente està ¡ fijada en 66,000, de las que la mitad se conceden en el primer semestre del aà ±o fiscal y el resto en el segundo semestre. Si el cupo no se ha agotado en los primeros seis meses, esas visas pueden sumarse a las disponibles para repartir entre el 1 de abril y el 30 septiembre. Ademà ¡s, en julio de 2017 el gobierno de los Estados Unidos ha aprobado 15,000 visas adicionales para el el segundo semestre fiscal corriente.   No  està ¡n incluidos en ese conteo los que realizan sus labores en las Marianas o Guam o en el sector especializado de huevas de pescado. Cà ³mo se inicia el proceso para obtener estas visas El patrono o las organizaciones autorizadas son los que inician el proceso. Es decir, NO es posible presentarse en un consulado de los Estados Unidos si no hay antes una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a americana que inicia los trà ¡mites.  Una persona por sà ­ misma no puede solicitar la visa, necesita el patrocinio de la empresa. Si el USCIS da su aprobacià ³n, entonces la persona extranjera podrà ¡ solicitar ante la Embajada o consulado americano que le corresponda una H-2B. Tiene que  pagarse la cuota o arancel correspondiente por su tramitacià ³n. Ademà ¡s, si no se cumplen todos los requisitos, la visa puede ser denegada por causas muy diversas  por ser inelegible para la visa o por ser inadmisible para ingresar en Estados Unidos. Siempre va a ser un requisito que el beneficiario hable mà ­nimamente inglà ©s, pidià ©ndose en ocasiones un mayor nivel, dependiendo del trabajo que se quiere cubrir. Cà ³mo tienen conocimiento de estos trabajos los extranjeros que se encuentran en sus paà ­ses Es comà ºn que este tipo de empleo se ofrezca a travà ©s de agentes, reclutadores o agencias de servicio de empleo. Estos agentes no pueden solicitar ningà ºn tipo de cuota, arancel o pago al trabajador extranjero a cambio de ofrecerles un puesto de trabajo, sin embargo y lamentablemente es una prà ¡ctica muy habitual. Se recomienda utilizar los servicios de una agencia o reclutador con excelente reputacià ³n y este es un listado  Ã‚  de mà ¡s de 60 reclutadores en Mà ©xico.  Ademà ¡s, destacar 2 agencias con buena reputacià ³n que ponen en contacto a personas interesadas en estas visas con empresas patrocinadoras. En primer lugar Alliance Abroad y en segundo lugar Exchange Abroad. Es muy importante insistir en que es necesario tener mucho cuidado en hacer averiguaciones sobre la reputacià ³n del reclutador ya que, lamentablemente, hay mucho abuso y fraude en este tipo de visas. Validez de la visa H-2B En general este tipo de visa se concede por un periodo de 1 aà ±o. Puede extenderse hasta dos veces por un periodo de un aà ±o hasta un total de 3 aà ±os. Se deberà ¡ entonces abandonar Estados Unidos por tres meses antes de volver a aplicar por una nueva visa. Hay que tener en cuenta que la condicià ³n fundamental para que la visa sea và ¡lida es que el empleado està © realmente trabajando. Si el extranjero con una visa H-2B no se presenta a trabajar en los cinco dà ­as siguientes a la fecha de inicio de empleo o si es despedido, o si se ausenta del trabajo cinco dà ­as seguidos sin notificar al empleador la razà ³n de la ausencia entonces el patrono notificarà ¡ dichas faltas al USCIS y las autoridades migratorias entienden que se està ¡ violando las condiciones de la visa y, por lo tanto, ya no es và ¡lida. Lo mismo sucede si el trabajo se acaba al menos 30 dà ­as antes de la fecha programada. Si el trabajo que se ha venido a hacer se ha acabado, se debe abandonar Estados Unidos. Para mà ¡s informacià ³n sobre cuà ¡ndo se puede ya viajar a EU con esta visa y sobre el periodo de gracia para salir, se puede consultar este artà ­culo. Familiares de trabajadores temporales Si la persona que recibe una visa H-2B està ¡ casada puede viajar a Estados Unidos con su esposo o mujer y sus hijos, siempre y cuando à ©stos està ©n solteros y sean menores de 21 aà ±os. Los familiares tendrà ¡n una visa H-4 y no està ¡n autorizados a realizar ningà ºn tipo de trabajo durante su estancia en EUA. NOTA MUY IMPORTANTE Lamentablemente, se dan casos de abusos a trabajadores que tienen una visa H-2B o una H-2A (muy similar, pero para trabajar en agricultura). Ademà ¡s, tener presente que en Estados Unidos tanto los trabajadores legales como los indocumentados tienen derecho a que se les pague el salario mà ­nimo  o mà ¡s.   De interà ©s Entre todas las visas que permiten trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos destacan otras dos que pueden ser de interà ©s para las personas sin estudios universitarios o sin habilidades especiales. Son la C1/D para tripulantes que se utiliza para trabajar en cruceros y la H-2A para trabajos agrà ­colas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es consejo legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The European Union (EU) vs the North American Free Trade...

The European Union (EU) vs the North American Free Trade Agreement Introduction The European Union (EU) is the organization which integrates the countries listed below, both politically and economically. It is a customs union, which is an agreement amongst a group of countries to eliminate trade barriers between them on the movement of goods, services, labor and capital, and also to establish a common external tariff on goods and services coming into the union. The EU evolved from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which was formed in 1951 as a response to the First and Second World Wars to try to ensure future peace in Europe. This became the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1965, which in turn became the European†¦show more content†¦Indeed, the ideological foundations that gave birth to the EU were based on ensuring development and maintaining international stability, i.e., the containment of communist expansion in post World War II Europe (Hunt 1989). The Maastricht Treaty which gave birth to the EU in 1992 included considerations for joint policies in regard to military defense and citizenship. Trading blocs could strongly affect a companys investment decision. This particular trading bloc development prompted Ford to realise it could consider Europe to be one common market rather than a collection of individual markets. In 1967, Ford changed its management structure to include its European operations under one umbrella organisation known as Ford Europe Incorporated. Its two large U.K. and German manufacturing centres remained an important dimension of the new strategy, but they were no longer considered separate, independently operating companies. Despite nationalistic tendencies on the part of the host-country management, Ford decided that, from the companies perspective, it was best to eliminate national boundaries, and a German director said, The pooling of the two companies cut the engineering bill in half for each company, provided economies of scale, with double the volume inShow MoreRelatedNafta Vs Eu International Integration1601 Words   |  7 PagesWednesday, Ma y 11, 2016 Paper Assignment – NAFTA vs EU International Integration With the development of the world economy, all countries are natural to trade and communicate with other people, especially their neighbors. Regional economic integration plays a very important role in the post-war period. This essay is aimed to compare the progress of the strategic competition between the European Union (EU) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and their impacts on the United States. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Leadership & Affecting Change in Public Health-Samples for Student

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Affecting Change in Public Health. Answer: Leadership and Affecting Change in Public Health Part one: leaders versus managers and their role differ in public health Leaders are individuals within an organization with the ability to lead people within the organization towards achieving the intended objectives. In order to lead people within the organization, leaders influence employees behaviors in various ways in order to achieve organizational objectives. A manager on the other hand is described by MSG as, "somebody who formally drives individual and group endeavors to achieve shared objectives. The directors' obligations include: arranging to direct, observing and assessing crafted by at least one people". Leadership based on the two definitions can be classified as a form of management. Managers and leaders have the same obligation to other staff members. They both have to employ manipulation mechanism to achieve organizational goals. Many leaders of the world are made but not born as the as the say goes. According to various leadership reports, for an individual to become a good leader in any sector, such individual must gain experience, acquire knowledge, develop the ability to commit to the organization, be patience and most importantly, must be able to work with other individuals within the organization towards achieving the business goals. However, various sectors require varied skills, knowledge, and attitude. Public health as a sector is different with other sectors thus different skills are required. It is therefore appropriate for public health leaders to go through a never-ending process of self-development, evaluation training to achieve public health goals and accumulation of the required skills. On the other hand, some leadership theories support the statement that leaders are born and only goes through training and education to acquire and elevate their leadership skills. Even though these leadership theories are different, they all agree that a leader must acquire the essential skills. Leaders and managers should in this manner acquire the required skills in their line of work. Leaders and managers in public health According to great scholars, a public health leader should be visionary, make good and evaluated decisions, should be a good communicator as well as take risks to achieve the outline public health goals (Aarons et al. 2016). Leaders in the public health sector should have the conviction of their required values as well as have strong commitment ensuring that everyone in the nation is healthy. Public health officers according to the 16 key public health leadership principles described by Rowitz in his 2014 school of thought should be politically astute and can listen and take action on what the members of the public say (Rowitz, 2014). Moreover, public health leaders should have emotional intelligence, respectful of different cultures, must be focus towards the future, resilient and have to love public health obligations. Public health leaders according to these principles should also have a vivid understanding of team building and workers collaboration as the key factors for health i mprovement. Part two: leadership in the public health industry Interview one: The coordinator interviewed by email 27/03/18 Feedback obtained by mail 28th /03/ 18 Questions asked to see (diagram in appendix 1) Summary of answers received from the health coordinator To achieve this report, two leaders whose identities would not be disclosed were interviewed via email and response obtained through the same platform. The immediate person interviewed was operation and clinical coordinate with various employees under him such as the paramedics. The interviewee must govern the paramedics and coordination of day to day clinical operations (Rowitz, 2014). According to the individuals response, leadership is the act of listening to the junior staff as well as encouraging them to work towards the organizational goals. Based on his response to the questions, this individual has strong believes that he must make the paramedics to believe in providing services to the community. He states that even though there is a slight difference between public health management and other businesses, the main objective of leaders is to inspire staff members to achieve the organizational goals. He trusts that while there is a slight qualification between normal businesses administration and authority inside the wellbeing business that in general there ought not to be numerous distinctions. Leadership and management are constantly about motivating staff to accomplish to their most elevated standard. Regarding barriers, he believes he should overcome the barrier to convey quality administration incorporate; subsidizing, arrangement, inspirations of partners and legislative organization. He trusts the part of Public Health in completing the center elements of appraisal should include arrangement advancement and affirmation is constant quality change to keep up officer abilities and refresh current practices/strategies. His vision for Public Health in the 21st century is to expand staff abilities and move forward abroad projects to guarantee an overall change in wellbeing conveyance. He sees the key issues as; financing, staffing, preparing, and corpulence. He trusts open private organizations that deliver general wellbeing worries to be conceivable if rivalry to benefit isn't included. He doesn't trust that the general open has a satisfactory comprehension of Public Health, he trusts that training and advancement that clarifies the part of general wellbeing and general wellbeing arrangements would help in tending to this. He states in his answers that as a leader, he must work smart to overcome barriers within the sector through assessment and policy-making as well as development of quality assurance by updating current public health practices. According to the health coordinator, his main interest in relation to public health is to elevate staff skills and provide best services to the community. In his statement, he states that it is crucial for the government to integrate public health with the general health sector to achieve maximum health service provision. Critique According to the interview, the health coordinator has shown an indication he doesnt have qualities described by Rowitiz in his leadership model. The manager has both his staff as well as the overall community at heart (Karlberg, 2016). However, it will be very difficult to express and act upon his responsibilities based on the leadership style he prescribed in the interview. In various occasion, s is difficult to control a large group. Therefore, increasing number of staff members means reduced the time for supervision and inspiration which also reflect on performance (Rowitz, 2014). According to his job description, he has a minimum obligation to the community but his staff. Therefore based on his job obligation he should work more on his abilities as a leader which will have a greater impact when it comes to health promotion and service delivery integrating the 16 key public health leadership principles (Kuipers et al. 2014). Moreover, he finds it difficult to perfectly meet his o bligation as a result of him not implementing various principles of leadership. Interview two: CO interviewed by email 27th/ 03/ 18 Feedback received by email 28th /03/18 Questions asked to see (diagram in appendix 1) Summary of answers received from the CO The second interview was an interview with head CO stationed in Southport. She has responsibilities to evaluate junior COs, coordination of the health provision as well as general supervision of clinical officers and also mentorship of other paramedics under her jurisdiction. Her main role is technical management related to patient care in her workstation. Similar to the first interview the name of the interviewee will not be disclosed as requested before her interview. She said during the interview that she joined public health sector as a result of her fathers great achievement. She defined public health as an important industry that offers health treatment and cares to the general community and leadership as the ability to guide staff members to achieve the organizational goals one is given. According to the interview, she believes that a leader in the public health sector should be visionary, inspiring, imaginative, and experimental as well as change initiative. She further states that the leadership skills required by a public health officer should be different from those of leaders in other business industries. Regarding challenges, she believes that political interference, as well as financial limitations, are the main barriers towards public health service delivery. She stated in her interview that practices are required in public health to develop the required skills. She also stated policy development, assessment and quality assurance as other factors which can only be obtained through the development of the required skills (Van der Voort, 2015). Moreover, in during her interview, she mentioned that leaders are born but not made. As a result of her believing that leaders are born, she suggested that to develop required skills by the born leaders they have to undergo training, education which will help improve health service provision (Rowitz, 2014). She also states in her responses mentorship is crucial and that politics is important in public health as it leads to increased or reduced of the industry. Critique The second interviewee just as the previous interviewee strongly believe that public health leadership is slightly different form leadership in other sectors which is inverse to Rowitz school of thought (Smith et al. 2015). However, in line with the Rowitz argument she, places more emphasis on the wider community. Based on her position she cannot participate in writing policies and the making of required changes she believes in health promotion and provision best health care to the public. Part three: self-leadership style assessment Northhouse provides key information which an individual a paramedic can utilize for evaluation as well as perform self-ranking. Through the Northhouse I have been able to evaluate myself about the three key and distinct leadership types: human leadership, technical leadership and conceptual skills (South et al.2018). Success in these three skills approaches developed by Robert clearly indicates readiness and successful administration and leadership. In relation to technical type which deals with distinguished activities, I have 80% by averaging indicating that I can be a good paramedic who promotes appropriate and excellent technical skills as well as leading by example to other staff members (Northouse, 2009). This outcome is important for me as I expected this from the beginning. Another leadership approach is the leadership human which deals with emotional intelligence as well as the capability to work with other staff members. I have also received 78% which is not a surprise to m e as I believed in human leadership to be significant as this style enables an individual to engage with peer staffs as well as develop intuitive behaviors required for a leader. On the other hand, I scored far average on conceptual leadership approach. Conceptual skills deal with the ability to work with conceptual ideas as well as new concepts. Based on my low score on the conceptual skills, the inventory results suggest that I should go for more training to become a good leader with proper and all-round management abilities. I have been having difficulties in working with the imagination of case scenarios such as accident but performance well in the real world (Burke Friedman, 2011). The Northhouse inventory therefore suggest that conceptual approach is my weakness that I need to work on. On the other two approaches I have scored well, it is as a result of implementing the 16 key principles of public health leadership as outlined by Rowitz in the year 2014. I will continue to implement more of the 16 principle in my leadership style so that I can move high and commit to my roles as a leader. Much has been discussed as to whether leaders are born or made, but my take is the development of the required skills makes a perfect leader (Popescu Predescu, 2016). Thus mentorships, as well as training, will be appropriate for my leadership skills growth. Since I have not managed any staffs, all my skills need improvement with more energy directed to the development of conceptual skills. In conclusion, more leadership skills are required in the public health sector compared to other industries. Public health leaders should be developed, natured and mentored to assist when ready during the time of need. Moreover, to achieve public health goal as leaders, we must be strong and well equated with important public health skills based on the 16 key principles of public health leadership. References Aarons, G. A., Ehrhart, M. G., Torres, E. M., Finn, N. K., Beidas, R. S. (2016). The humble leader: Association of discrepancies in leader and follower ratings of implementation leadership with organizational climate in mental health.Psychiatric Services,68(2), 115-122. Burke, R. E., Friedman, L. H. (2011). Essentials of management and leadership in public health. Jones and Bartlett.Access: Laureate Library (hard copy) Karlberg, I. (2016). Conflicts, political leadership and public health. Koh, H. K., Jacobson, M. (2009). Fostering public health leadership.Journal of public health,31(2), 199-201. Kuipers, B. S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J., Van der Voet, J. (2014). The management of change in public organizations: A literature review.Public administration,92(1), 1-20. 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